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About Autumn School of Nursing
Mission Statement
OUR MISSION. Serving the greater San Gabriel Valley, Autumn School of Nursing is dedicated to providing high-quality, timely and creative education designed for adult professionals seeking a career in health care. We are committed to attract and develop compassionate individuals desiring to work with and care for the frail and infirmed with the primary purpose to improve human life. Our mission extends its promise to prepare Nurse Assistants to provide high quality care for patients in Post-Acute Skilled Nursing Facilities, Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly, acute care hospitals and private residences.
Founded by a group of Post-Acute Hospital healthcare professionals having 90 years of combined hands on experience in skilled nursing, senior living retirement, assisted living, hospice, and home care fueled the need to invest in the development of quality nursing assistants that can fill vacancies throughout the long-term care continuum.
Our primary philosophy is to train and certify Student Nursing Assistants. Our goal is to fill a critical nurse shortage in the Greater Los Angeles metro area and serve the immediate needs of our local community here in Pasadena and the San Gabriel Valley. Autumn School of Nursing will be offering an alternative to the recent discontinuation of the American Red Cross Program.
Non-Discrimination & Anti-Harassment Policy
The Autumn School of Nursing fosters equal employment opportunity for all applicants, volunteers and employees, without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, handicap or veteran status, except when, with reasonable accommodations, age or handicap substantially limits ability to meet or perform legitimate service standards or poses a safety hazard. If a student believes that she or he has been subjected to illegal harassment, the student must bring the matter to the immediate attention of the instructor. All reports of harassment will be promptly investigated and, if appropriate, remedial action will be taken.